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City of Capitola - Councilmember


Enrique Dolmo Jr.

Question 1:
The Regional Transportation Commission owns the rail corridor. The RTC has unanimously affirmed its commitment to institute high capacity public transit service on the Santa Cruz Branch Line.

Do you support implementing electric passenger rail on the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line?

Decline to answer.

Question 2:
Construction has begun on the trail next to the tracks, but some segments have faced opposition and resulting delays.

Do you support building a trail next to the tracks from Davenport to Watsonville?

Decline to answer.

Question 3:
Neighborhoods with safe streets, bike lanes, and sidewalks create room for us to move freely without our cars.

Do you support improved street infrastructure to protect pedestrians and cyclists?


How would you support or prioritize projects, policies and funding to improve safety and infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists?

I would encourage policies that design roadways to accommodate all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and those with mobility challenges. This includes bike lanes, wide sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, and traffic-calming measures like speed humps and narrower lanes. Secure dedicated funding streams for pedestrian and cycling infrastructure projects. Invest in well-lit, clearly marked crosswalks with pedestrian-activated signals. Expand the network of protected bike lanes and prioritize connectivity to key destinations such as schools, parks, and commercial area. Implement traffic calming measures, such as reduced speed limits, speed bumps in residential and high-foot traffic areas to protect pedestrians and cyclists, particularly around schools, parks, and transit hubs. I support policies that aim to eliminate all traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries.

Question 4:
The June 2022 Greenway Measure D sought to “rail bank” and tear up the tracks for a trail only.

Did you oppose the June 2022 Ballot Measure D?


Decline to answer.

Question 5:
The California Coastal Commission recognizes the value of both freight and passenger rail in the coastal zone for environmental and coastal access reasons. Freight rail capability is important infrastructure for disaster preparedness and recovery.

Will you commit to oppose any efforts to abandon or remove railroad infrastructure during your term?


Decline to answer



This candidate did not respond to the survey



This candidate did not respond to the survey



Question 1:
The Regional Transportation Commission owns the rail corridor. The RTC has unanimously affirmed its commitment to institute high capacity public transit service on the Santa Cruz Branch Line.

Do you support implementing electric passenger rail on the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line?


Why or why not? How would this position be expressed in your work, should you be elected? What will you say to your constituents about this project?

I support the rail and the trail and believe that we must keep all sustainable transit options available for future generations. I want to ensure that we have access to active public transportation options that work for everyone.

Question 2:
Construction has begun on the trail next to the tracks, but some segments have faced opposition and resulting delays.

Do you support building a trail next to the tracks from Davenport to Watsonville?


How would this position be expressed in your work, should you be elected? What will you say to your constituents about this project?


It's important to keep all of our active public transit options available for future use. I also believe in transportation equity. This Rail and Trail project will help connect our communities and can be incorportated into the larger CA state rail plan. I will let my constituents know that this project will be beneficial to the greater Santa Cruz community, can help combat climage change, and help keep our community members more active.

Question 3:
Neighborhoods with safe streets, bike lanes, and sidewalks create room for us to move freely without our cars.

Do you support improved street infrastructure to protect pedestrians and cyclists?


How would you support or prioritize projects, policies and funding to improve safety and infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists?


I would advocate for dedicated funds to ensure safe streets and improved bike lanes. We need to prioritize transportation infrastructure so residents will more likely choose to walk, bike or take public transportation over driving their cars.

Question 4:
The June 2022 Greenway Measure D sought to “rail bank” and tear up the tracks for a trail only.

Did you oppose the the June 2022 Ballot Measure D?


What do you think are the implications of the 73% defeat of measure D?

People here want to preserve the option of having a rail in the future. The
residents want to see both rail and trail in Santa Cruz County and do not want to see this precious resource be removed for future generations.

Question 5:
The California Coastal Commission recognizes the value of both freight and passenger rail in the coastal zone for environmental and coastal access reasons. Freight rail capability is important infrastructure for disaster preparedness and recovery.

Will you commit to oppose any efforts to abandon or remove railroad infrastructure during your term?


How would this position be expressed in your work, should you be elected?


I will ensure that community members understand the importance of our railroad infrastruction and the implications for our future transit if we abandon it. I will continue to support the RTC efforts to make the rail trail project into reality.

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